
Will passagner satisfaction go back up after hull dmg in elite dangerous?
Will passagner satisfaction go back up after hull dmg in elite dangerous?

Someone did, and took a screen shot every 10 seconds of it. You can sit and watch a moon orbit the planet. The game then simulates the rest of the galaxy with 400 billion other systems. The game includes 150,000 known stars accurately placed and with accurate physical characteristics. You can travel to earth orbit and see our stars as they really are. Those stars are accurately placed to represent the sky you’d actually see if you were at that star. The background stars you see, that isn’t just a pretty sky box. You can even fly direct from one star to another. You can fly from one space station to another. Though you can probably ignore the talking head. Hyperspace is near instant.įrontier developments have recently released the ‘Dev Diary’ video that shows off where they are going to great effect. Docking was a big part of the original Elite and is again in the remake. The speed of light is referenced a lot in the game, both in speed of the ship, to distance to other planets (as in 1,300 light seconds away, or 390,000,000 km away).Įlite is a more deliberately paced game. You could just be a combater, mercenary for hire.Įlite will appeal to those with a scientific mind set. You can be an explorer and go find new system, map their valuables and sell that information for profit. You can be a pirate and suggest to other pilots that giving you some of their cargo might be a good idea. You get to trade cargo from here to there. There will not be any 3rd person point of view. You pilot the space craft for a 1st person point of view. If you can’t place either name then that is a sad indictment on your part. For older gamers, think Han Solo, if you’re younger, think Malcolm Reynolds. With Elite : Dangerous (here after just called Elite) Frontier developments will show you just how big space really is.Įlite puts you in the role of a small time space ship owner.

Will passagner satisfaction go back up after hull dmg in elite dangerous?